
Showing posts from September, 2018
Sade Oriowo-Lawrence Media Studies, Unit  45 commercial radio Fay Stowe Q: Can you give at least 3 purposes of commercial radio, using detailed examples (300 words). Remember the QR code quiz we made this was one of the questions. In this essay I will be looking at three purposes of commercial radio and backing my research up with detailed examples. There are many purposes of commercial radio these are the three purposes I will be looking closely at what advertising is , how ratings work and about paid promotion. Commercial radio is a radio station that makes income by advertising.  They provide brands or companies with a way to share their product with thousands or even millions of people. It is a win win situation as the radio gets paid by the brand who wants to get their product advertised and the brand gets customers through the radio. The more popular the radio is the more they can charge brands to air their products or whatever they want to sell. Advertising- commercia
INITIAL RESEARCH FOR A NEW FILM MAGAZINE The magazine is called Film Review Issue 605 May 2001 £2.90. What does the cover look like? The cover is eye-catching as the red pops out against the white background which catches the readers eye. On the magazine different font sizes are used to highlight the more important parts of the magazine that the editor wants readers to look at first. The bold fonts are used to capture reader's attention. The cover layout is not too busy with writing. This makes it much easier to quickly read. What is featured on the cover page? The cover is on a white background with all the red and pink head titles and little headings. Renee Zellweger is on the front cover sitting down on the floor looking up into the camera holding her red diary, which is linked to Bridget Jone's Diary, a film that she is the main focus in. Furthermore having Zellweger featured on the cover page lets readers know instantly that she is in the talked about popular mo
ALL ABOUT ME I am 18 years old. I used to live in Finland for 3 years (9yrs old-12yrs old). My favourite series on Netflix at the moment is Power. I can speak, read and write Finnish. My hobbies are going to my local gym and spin class. I have a twin brother. I am half Nigerian but have never been to Nigeria.