Sade Oriowo-Lawrence
Media Studies, Unit  45 commercial radio
Fay Stowe

Q: Can you give at least 3 purposes of commercial radio, using detailed examples (300 words). Remember the QR code quiz we made this was one of the questions.

In this essay I will be looking at three purposes of commercial radio and backing my research up with detailed examples. There are many purposes of commercial radio these are the three purposes I will be looking closely at what advertising is , how ratings work and about paid promotion.

Commercial radio is a radio station that makes income by advertising.  They provide brands or companies with a way to share their product with thousands or even millions of people. It is a win win situation as the radio gets paid by the brand who wants to get their product advertised and the brand gets customers through the radio. The more popular the radio is the more they can charge brands to air their products or whatever they want to sell. Advertising- commercial radio is mainly based on radio advertisements that are aired for revenue.  Advertising on radio brings many benefits. One benefit is when the advertisement are on it gives presenters a little break and gives the audience a break.

In some cases the revenue that is made from airing the adverts is used to pay the wages of the presenters. The money also is used towards any repairs or upgrades the radio station needs. Like new microphone or new sound system etc. Paid promoting-  is when a brand can pay another brand to share their business. It is very similar to advertisements but there is a slight difference. Ratings is used also in commercial radio. For example if a radio station has a high amount of ratings weekly it is more likely to bring in more listeners. This is because they are more likely to listen to the radio station and follow along maybe even participate in a few contests.

To conclude my essay I personally believe that advertising is the top purpose of commercial radio. As both companies radio and business can benefit from each other. Furthermore ratings are also as important because they are more likely to attract customers which will eventually bring in revenue and awards which will spread the name of the radio station. However I feel that smaller stations will never reach as much potential is the larger ones because they do not have the finances to bring in big advertisements.



  1. Very good effort Sharday and good use of citing your work , I can see you have tried to utilise this here and I am very impressed, the format of your essay is also very well done-shows you listened in class. You are on the right track with most of the purposes. All purposes relate to raising revenue however, make sure you do your research with components I.e. advertising and how it actually makes the stations money. Main purposes: advertising, seasonal awareness, events, sponsorships, selling newscasts, syndication. Have a look at week 4 on the blog for extensive coverage.


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