
Sade Oriowo – Lawrence Assignment 45.A Radio Advertising Analysis: Style, Structure, Purpose and Regulation The history of commercial radio adverts Before the war radio adverts were usually done by using morse codes messages. It became useful for communication with vessels in the water, especially in emergency situations. Around the 1920s radio adverts became the main source of where the public got their information. Radio advertising is actually the most affordable marketing techniques out of other techniques like television commercials and magazines. There are many purposes of commercial radio. Advertising, promotions and sponsorship.  Radio advertising this is advert that you normally see on the television however they are also made into radio adverts. Commercial radio stations usually charge advertisers to broadcast their advert on their station so that their listening audience will be exposed to it.  Depending on the amount of air time they need or how
Sade Oriowo-Lawrence        Assignment 2.1             11-10-18 Film review vs Total film Film review is packed page after page about all the different types of films there are in the market. It also includes a lot of interviews and double page spreads which make the magazine more interesting to read because there is a lot of content. The magazine also uses a lot of big prints and well known artists to draw the reader. Total Film is filled with a lot of big clear images which is eye grabbing to the reader. There is also a lot of adverts like PlayStation2 and Pringles Cinema Bonuses etc. My film magazine is called Filmtastic! The cover is very appealing to the eye as the print of the cover is floral which is unique. Will Smith is also on the cover as there is an exclusive celebrity interview. A contest where readers could have a chance of winning a PS4 is written in a bold blue print. On the contents page each section is numbered and titled
Sade Oriowo-Lawrence Media Studies, Unit  45 commercial radio Fay Stowe Q: Can you give at least 3 purposes of commercial radio, using detailed examples (300 words). Remember the QR code quiz we made this was one of the questions. In this essay I will be looking at three purposes of commercial radio and backing my research up with detailed examples. There are many purposes of commercial radio these are the three purposes I will be looking closely at what advertising is , how ratings work and about paid promotion. Commercial radio is a radio station that makes income by advertising.  They provide brands or companies with a way to share their product with thousands or even millions of people. It is a win win situation as the radio gets paid by the brand who wants to get their product advertised and the brand gets customers through the radio. The more popular the radio is the more they can charge brands to air their products or whatever they want to sell. Advertising- commercia